It's that time of year again. Children are getting sick and parents need to go to work and then they attempt to drop their sick child off at daycare ...
This can be a sticky situation if you don't have a plan in place
To help avoid this situation from occurring here are some steps you can take for your family childcare:
Step 1.
Include in your parent handbook simply and clearly your expectations around sickness Always go over this piece in your handbook during their enrollment. Maybe even have them initial this section
Step 2.
Also during enrollment explain to your parents that you want to have a healthy atmosphere for their child to play and grow in and that is why you only care for healthy children. If you help them see this as benefiting them, they are more likely to follow your guidelines when asked.
Step 3.
Periodically ( flu season*cough) remind your family's of your sickness policy. Post a cute sign like my free example below as soon as the weather starts cooling off or starts warming up or you notice a cloud in the sky or you think about a story of someone getting sick. You know whenever 😉
Step 4.
Always follow through with your rules for every family. If one child gets to come to daycare with symptoms and you are not sending them home this time, other parents will see and feel that they may be able to slide a little on this rule as well.
Step 6.
Enjoy your healthy childcare environment. 😀
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