These are the Best writing journals ever! We use them for our 2,3,4,&5 year olds. Basically I've filled report covers with plain white paper and have written in our writing journal for the day. We made a cover page with their name. We have added about 25 pieces of paper in each. We can always add some or take them out as needed. And if they are at school that day, we write the date and our topic. We do this at nap time and as the children are waking up they find their journal and answer the question we have. This is a teacher directed activity. ( we also have them available throughout the day I case they get in a writing mood) Depending our their skill level, we either dictate their answer completely, have them trace their answer that we wrote in highlighter or we tell them how to spell their answer and have them write it out their self. They then draw a picture of the topic. Some of our topics have been:
* My favorite color is...
* If I were as big as a dinosaur I would...
* When I grow up I want to be a...
*This is how I write my name:
* I can draw a circle.
* The color of my eyes are...
The ideas are endless. We plan out what each day is going to be in advance, so it's real easy to put in the date and writing prompt daily.
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